Don Bosco Tech at Bohri Centre recently hosted an electrifying guest lecture by Ms. Anmol, a distinguished HR professional hailing from Siddhi Vinayak Technologies. With her engaging narrative, she took the Sales Associate Batch-11 students on an inspiring journey, sharing tales of resilience and triumph from her own life. Ms. Anmol's discourse transcended mere storytelling; she delved into the dynamic realm of sales and marketing, offering invaluable insights into what it takes to excel in this competitive domain. Her discourse painted a vivid picture of effective sales techniques, emphasizing the importance of building genuine connections, understanding client needs, and nurturing trust to foster meaningful transactions.

Beyond the confines of the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, Ms. Anmol ignited a sense of exploration and ambition among the students, urging them to seize opportunities far and wide. Her empowering words resonated deeply, encouraging each student to envision a future filled with boundless possibilities and growth in the vibrant sales landscape.

The impact of Ms. Anmol's wisdom continued to reverberate long after the lecture's conclusion, igniting a collective determination and aspiration within Sales Associate Batch-11. The session witnessed a resolute commitment to breaking boundaries, surpassing limitations, and carving out paths to success in the exhilarating world of sales.